This past weekend my sister and I went to go see the sequel to God's Not Dead. (If you have not seen this movie I highly recommend you watch it). The movie was about a Christian teacher who had to go to court and was about to lose her job and teaching credential for answering a question about Jesus in her history class. There were two main themes in the movie:
Silence is the enemy of Truth.
At first I thought this movie was a bit far fetched in the sense that really? People were literally scared to say the name Jesus, they were disgusted just at the sound of it. But as I continued watching I realized that this is where our society is heading. People don't want Jesus to be part of their lives. They don't want to acknowledge his existence whatsoever. My favorite part of this movie was the use of Lee Strobel and J Warner Wallace as witnesses during the trial. They are both authors of the books The Case for Christ and Cold Case Christianity, Both men were once atheists but after looking at the evidence, the undeniable evidence they realized there was no denying that Jesus was real. Jesus is real. We need to make a choice and choose where we stand. As Grace in the movie said, "I would rather stand with God and be judged by the world than stand with the world and be judged by God". A day is coming where we will give account to God for all of our actions. Did we deny His existence or did we stand up for Him? As Christians we need to get ready because there is a war in front of us. This is the battle mentioned in Ephesians 6:12 For we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
Silence is the enemy of Truth. I will make Jesus known.
God is good all the time.
Despite the stress and frustrations of the trial we are able to see God's faithfulness. God is with her through it all. Grace is suspended from teaching and she can't talk to her students but they come and sing with candles at her door. This specifically spoke to my life since my family is currently undergoing stressful court hearings. Over the past few months we've been trying to get conservatorship of my sister but we've found it challenging due to a doctor who has been against us. This doctor made claims to the court that we were inadequate guardians for my sister and prefers a third party to intervene. It's been a lot of going back and forth but we know that God is in control. Back to the movie, God turned this trial into a victory. What seemed could harm her and take everything from her... God turned it all around. Grace's student who asked the question, accepted Jesus as Her Savior and this trial was an opportunity to let the jury and those in the audience hear about Jesus. Praise God!
God is good all the time and all the time God is good.
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