Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Nowadays we hear the term "YOLO", you only live once. Do it cause you only live once. Live life like its your last day; live with no regrets. We hear these mottos and we feel empowered to take a risk, to try something new, to take on a dare but soon enough we have forgotten all about it.
What does it actually look like in your day to day life? It's not like everyday life is a scene from fear factor... It's deciding to go for a swim even though you partially feel like it. It's you swimming in the lake even though nobody wants to because you won't be left thinking "I should've..." "What if"... It's you being scared of jumping off that bridge but you do it anyways because you now have a story to tell, it's you saying "yes" instead of replying "maybe" or "later". We tend to put things off with "later" hoping that there will be a next time. But living with no regrets means you do it then and there so if there isn't a next time then you really will have no regrets. It means sitting to watch that movie together, to do that puzzle together, saying yes to painting with someone, to accepting UNO with that loved one, it means cherishing your parents every moment because you don't know how long you have them, it means letting go of all anger and resentment and filling yourself with love and positive vibes.
It's not always easy, it doesn't always come naturally but let's live with no regrets daily. Our loved ones are borrowed, we don't know how long we have them or they have us... Let's make it count. 💕

** This post is dedicated to my sister. I want to love you with no regrets. I'm just so thankful for having you in my life.

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