Should I buy a small one? A big one? Thin? New International Version? English Standard Version? New Living Translation? What color? Brown? Blue? Black? Imitation leather? Paperback? Double column or single column? I didn't even know that was an option I could choose from. So many Bibles to choose from and I wondered which is the perfect first Bible. I stared at the same Bibles for about an hour unable to make my mind. I consulted with the bookstore manager and I finally chose one.
I found it such an honor to be able to gift someone something so Holy, something so precious. I got thinking and I realized we take this Holy book for granted. It truly is a blessing to be able to hold this book, where the words are alive and active; sharper than any double edged sword, piercing even to the point of dividing soul from spirit and joints from marrow; it is able to judge the desires and thoughts of the heart. (Heb. 4:12) Wow! Such power in these pages. I couldn't believe this gentleman didn't own his own copy. I'm continually surrounded by people who have at least one, we have them in overflow!
This pile is simply the Bibles I could gather in my room just now; it is not my complete collection. There you see bibles in English, Spanish and even Korean! I've grown up having Bibles given to me time and time again and I've bought some of my own; it is common in my household to have a lot of Bibles.
This second pile is the Bibles I could find around the house just now. My dad has a lot more put away but these were just the ones with easy access. One was on our kitchen table, another in the night table in his room, another on his desk, another in the living room, etc. I've grown up surrounded by Bibles and with easy access to them. So you can only imagine my reaction when someone said they didn't have one. It got me thinking how I've taken such a precious book for granted. People in some countries are forbidden to hold such a book or even talk about it. We are still blessed to live in a place where we can freely buy it and read it. It is such a precious book to hold and to have. I really felt honored to be able to buy someone for someone.
I didn't feel comfortable handing a Bible to a beginner without anything else. I decided to add post-its to famous verses and verses of comfort just to begin with. I was humbled by the question how does it work? But I was also overjoyed at the thought of someone reading the Bible for the first time and the opportunity they have at salvation!
Now for us who call ourselves believers, Christians, followers of Jesus, let us not take this book for granted. Let us read it and be the body of Christ we are called out to be. Let us be a blessing to those who need Jesus and be bold to speak the Gospel.
For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew then to the Gentile. Romans 1:16
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